The rest of the line-up mostly comprised of half-baked RPGs and lacklustre sports games. Namco managed to deliver Ridge Racer V and Tekken Tag Tournament on time, a solid yet unspectacular duo, while some of the better offerings from western studios included TimeSplitters, Midnight Club, and SSX – three titles soon eclipsed by their sequels. Not only were developers up against the clock to get games ready for launch, but they were also clearly struggling with the system’s complicated architecture.

If there would be something, Ishiwatari would have hinted more about it at this point.To say the PlayStation 2’s launch line-up was patchy is an understatement. While it might be “wishful thinking” to hope for a little more variety and “possibility”, chances are unlikely at this phase in the game’s development. I can’t say such is the same with Strive, nor do I think we would see anything like that any time soon, both in terms of story mechanics and story-telling.
In the old days, Sol had a choice of visiting Slayer, defeating I-No, or saving Dizzy… and that wide berth of choices gave the player room to think about how to achieve those goals and what was required to accomplish them. Happy Chaos (in his story at least) only largely interacts with I-No and a “version” of Nagoriyuki, but there isn’t anything to indicate (either previously or currently) that things will change or be “different” as yet. There is a lot less “choice” (variety) in this case, and in terms of “possibility” there isn’t much in the way of differences in outcomes, as you still end up fighting Nagoriyuki in different situations regardless of how well you did. With Arcade Mode in GG Strive, losing a round or even a match has a negative impact on the outcome of your story, even simply losing multiple times will give you a less favorable outcome. In GGXX, there was even a situation in Axl Low’s story where he couldn’t proceed unless he performed an Instant Kill on Sol Badguy, breaking the “loop” of his story, otherwise the entire dialogue sequence would repeat itself endlessly! routes unlocked based on which stories you either saw first, or required you to see a different character/s’ ending before it would unlock a new route).
In GGX Plus and GGXX, while the Story was impacted by your performance, it was also impacted by how many previous stories you had witnessed beforehand (i.e. In Accent Core, Story Mode was structured more around the choices you actively made rather than your performance. Remember the pre match text in gameplay about 'the character you've chosen is breamed with possibility'? That and the Arcade Mode's routes based on the 'performance' or 'choice' of a character's actions, could these have been subtly foreshadowing the idea of the multiverse and 'possibility' within the Guilty Gear world before Happy Chaos even confirmed this with I-No in his Arcade? I'm probably thinking too much on it, but details like these makes it hard to dismiss as a coincidence.Īs said some time ago, a lot of Arcade Mode’s setting is placed after the main story, but unlike previous incarnations of the game series, endings aren’t structured based around a Loss or other negative factors (Time Up, Instant Kills, Losing to a certain character).